中世紀版本的〈Creep〉和〈Bad Romance〉



  如果《Bad Romance》跟《Creep》是在中世紀歐洲被寫出來,究竟會是什麼樂風呢?是否會有純淨的配樂跟悠遠的笛聲,是否演唱者會有修道院中女子離塵索居的嗓音?


  近年網路吹起了一股名為「Bardcore」(或稱為Tavernwave)的中世紀曲風熱潮,其中又以赫德嘉‧馮‧布林根(Hildegard von Blingin')的作品最為亮眼。


  這位歌手嗓音純淨、真實姓名未知,其藝名致敬了中世紀德國「萊茵河女先知」赫德嘉‧馮‧賓根(Saint Hildegard of Bingen,1098-1179年),她是當時著名的女修道院院長,同時也是富有詩歌天賦的作曲家和作家。



  馮‧布林根對 Foster the People 樂團2010年的熱門歌曲〈Pumped Up Kicks〉歌詞進行改編(括號內為歌詞原文),採用最接近中世紀英文的同義詞,並巧妙地運用Bardcore音樂另一位表演者科尼利斯‧林克(Cornelius Link)的無版權配樂。


  All ye bully-rooks with your buskin boots

  (All the other kids with the pumped up kicks)

  Best ye go, best ye go

  (You'd better run, better run)

  Outrun my bow

  (outrun my gun)

  All ye bully-rooks with your buskin boots

  (All the other kids with the pumped up kicks)

  Best ye go, best ye go, faster than mine arrow

  (You'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet)


  根據《韋伯字典》「bully-rooks」與惡霸(bully)同義,但這個字也能用在開玩笑、找碴之類的場合,例如在莎士比亞《溫莎的風流婦人》(The Merry Wives of Windsor)裡的旅館老闆,興高采烈地出來迎接可愛的「惡霸」約翰‧福斯塔夫爵士。《權力遊戲》(Game of Thrones)和《飢餓遊戲》(The Hunger Games)的影迷也能證明,弓箭的殺傷力不亞於槍械。



  馮‧布林根也對Lady Gaga的〈Bad Romance〉進行改編:


  I want thine ugly, I want thy disease

  (I want your ugly, I want your disease

  Take aught from thee shall I if it can be free

  (I want your everything as long as it's free





  Thou float’st like a feather

  (You float like a feather

  In a beautiful world

  (In a beautiful world






